Thursday, August 26, 2004

Great News! My brother and SIL are also expecting. They came over to tell us in person and then we called my parents. We estimate that she is a week behind me. They had a miscarriage last November, so I couldn't be happier for them.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Went to our first prenatal appointment. The doctor did an internal exam and said it defenetly felt pregnant. He set a due date of April 23rd (I'm going by April 21st)He is sending us for an ultrasound on September 7th and we are schedule for our second prenatal appointment on October 2nd. Our anniversary. We have to do a bloodtest sometime before our next appointment.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Telling family

Aug. 14th Told immediate family of the bfp news. Eunice cried and hugged, Jose teary eyed, Mom screamed, Dad said to take care, MIL said congrats and hug, FIL said I get to be a grandfather, Angelica said Really and hug, Natalie was shaking.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Trying to Conceive

I'm starting this blog for Aiden Michael. He is expected to arrive on April 21st, 2005. I will have to go back, if possible, to try to enter some of my experiences in pregnancy so far. I backdated this entry. Let's see.....

Dec. 2001.... We decided to TTC. 9/11 had just happened and just made us realize that time is short. I don't know what we were waiting for really....maybe more financial stability, a new house. All those not so important things in life. We figured I would be off the pill and it would just happen.

Dec. 2002.... A year later and nothing. My cycles were always irregular, so I figured I would start tracking cycle lengths and BD times. A girl at work told me she got pg by just bd cd 10-14. So we tried that and nothing. I started reading up on conceiving methods and getting educated on TTC.

Aug. 2003....By this time, I kinda figured that we were not timing BD right at all. A different girl at work told me about charting your temperature. Kind off an inconvienience, but I knew it would help me figure things out.

Dec. 2003....Found Fertility Friend. A web site that helps you keep track of your temps and analyze them to figure out the best BD timing. It also pinpoints O day and LP. I had always figured everyone had a LP of 14 days. Not me. Only 12 days. Another thing that was trowing me off. The best thing about FF is the other women who share your same frustrations. I've met some good friends.

January 2004....Every month was so frustrating. Seeing BFNs time and time again. We saw the doctor and he put us off to testing till we had a year of charting...September.

May 2004....Had a horrible pain in my ovary area. Have had spotting in mid cycles for a few months. Had to go back to the doc, even if he didn't want to see me again till September. Had an ultrasound done and they found a cyst in my ovary. It was made up of water so of no huge concern. But at least it got my doctor started on getting bloodwork done.

June 2004....All bloodwork look OK, but the doc wanted to hold off on further testing till DH got tested. His results came back good, except for the count. Just below what is considered normal. We were refered to an RE. Appointment was set for Aug. 16th, then moved to Aug. 30th.

July 2004....No pressure this month because if we got another BFN, we would turn in TTC to the hands of experienced doctors. I decided that if count was the problem, that we would hold off BD till O day to save the strongest guys for the swim. LOL. The only other thing that was different this month was that I had a very heavy AF and no mid cycle spotting. As if my system had cleaned itself out.

Aug 12th 2004.... We got a BFP! Just days before going to a specialist. The best part about it was having done this on our own. Here is a link to my pg chart.