Current age of baby 4m3w6d
Birth weight/current weight 7lbs5oz - 4mo appointment was 13lbs6oz
Birth length/current length 20in - 4mo appointment 25 3/4
Is your baby BF or bottlefed? Breastfed/EBM mostly for the first 3 months, now formula.
Is your baby on solids? What? How many times a day? Cereal added to two of his bottles. Hates in off the spoon. Decided to stop trying the rice and just tried Squash a few days ago and loves it. He gets that when I get home at 6:00.
Does your baby have a pacifier? Yes, uses it only to fall asleep....well he loves to pick it up, tries to get it into his mouth, can't quite do it, gets mad and throws it on the floor. Repeat.
Is your baby swaddled? He was. He weaned himself off, he would unwrap after a while and progress to unwrapping within seconds of putting him down.
Does your baby have any teeth? No. Another boat floater thou with the drooling. He started drooling at 6wks.
Did you have a vaginal birth or c-section? Vaginal. If you count from when contractions started it was 27 hours. I think it was more like 9 hours with 1/2 hour of pushing. Epidural and yes, some tearing.
Birth weight/current weight 7lbs5oz - 4mo appointment was 13lbs6oz
Birth length/current length 20in - 4mo appointment 25 3/4
Is your baby BF or bottlefed? Breastfed/EBM mostly for the first 3 months, now formula.
Is your baby on solids? What? How many times a day? Cereal added to two of his bottles. Hates in off the spoon. Decided to stop trying the rice and just tried Squash a few days ago and loves it. He gets that when I get home at 6:00.
Does your baby have a pacifier? Yes, uses it only to fall asleep....well he loves to pick it up, tries to get it into his mouth, can't quite do it, gets mad and throws it on the floor. Repeat.
Is your baby swaddled? He was. He weaned himself off, he would unwrap after a while and progress to unwrapping within seconds of putting him down.
Does your baby have any teeth? No. Another boat floater thou with the drooling. He started drooling at 6wks.
Did you have a vaginal birth or c-section? Vaginal. If you count from when contractions started it was 27 hours. I think it was more like 9 hours with 1/2 hour of pushing. Epidural and yes, some tearing.